Hi, I'm Shaolun Ruan

I am currently a Ph.D. candidate of Computer Science at Singapore Management University, under the supervision of Professor Yong WANG and Professor Jiannan LI. My research interests include Data Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction. My work focuses on developing human-centered computing tools to address complex scientific problems, facilitating the process of explainability and data-driven decision-making.

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🔥 News

  • 2024.07: 🔥 Awarded the SMU SCIS Dean's List Award.
  • 2024.06: Awarded the SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship (2024).
  • 2024.06: Passed the Ph.D. Thesis Proposal.
  • 2023.12: 🎄🎅🏻🎄Wishing you and your family a joyous Christmas filled with peace, love, and happiness!!🎄🎅🏻🎄
  • 2023.12: 🎉 Our paper was accepted by IEEE PacificVis TVCG track with 11.5% acceptance rate. See you in Tokyo!
  • 2023.11: Our paper was accepted by IEEE TVCG. See you in Florida!
  • 2023.07: Awarded the SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship (2023).
  • 2023.03: Our paper was accepted by EuroVIS'23. See you in Leipzig, Germany!
  • 2022.11: Passed the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam and became a Ph.D. candidate.
  • 2022.07: Our paper VACSEN was accepted by IEEE VIS'22! See you in Oklahoma City.
  • 2022.05: Our tutorial was accepted by IEEE QCE'22! See you in Broomfield, Colorado.
  • 2022.01: Became a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Yong WANG.
  • 2021.11: Our paper BatchLens was accepted by IEEE DATE'22 as the 1st author.
  • 2021.07: My paper Intercept Graph was accepted by IEEE VIS'21.
  • 2017.08: Completed Engligh Language Academy at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
  • 2017.06: Became a Visiting Student at the Univeristy of Melbourne, Australia.

  • 🎖 Honors and Awards

    • 2024 - Dean's List Award
    • 2024 - Presidential Doctoral Fellowship
    • 2023 - Presidential Doctoral Fellowship
    • 2019 - Undergrats Outstanding Student Award

     🧑🏻‍🏫 Teaching

    • 2023-24 Spring, Teaching Assistant, IS428 - Visual Analytics for Business Intelligence, SMU
    • 2024-25 Fall, Teaching Assistant, CS711 - Learning and Planning in Intelligent Systems, SMU

    ⭐️🌈 Upcoming Work